Music ,.., Dedicated to you

วันเสาร์ที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


My parents and teachers usually told me that I should not wear sexy clothes or dance likes Western people because it is not Thai culture and very bad. But when I watch television and movies, there are many Thai stars did that and many Thais like them. I watched movie ‘Suriyothai’ , they are a lot of people in the past wore clothes the way that we call sexy!. So I do not think that it is western culture anymore. Many Thais call that Western culture is bad because they wear sexy clothes, have free sex, Thai people never do embarrase things like that!. I believe that every Western people does not do like that. In same time I saw many Asian people wear sexy clothes and news about have free sex. I think it is strange!

In my mind, many countries were all same just difference at way they think. Western culture has a good side too. They very strict about copy other's works because they believe that it is not good, but in Thailand they are lots of people who copy other's works and... finally they say 'bad Western culture'. You see that? Every country’s culture is not always bad and good at all and I think many people should not say that ‘this culture is wrong and very bad, so you should not follow!’

Certainly, every country has their culture and it is not same as other in every detail. Culture is what most people believe and things that appropiate for their country. Finally I want to say that culture in some countries are not wrong as long as it does not hurt other people.

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POON-Thai กล่าวว่า...


I agree with you that, now culture were mixed so you can see Thai stars wear sexy cloth in movie and in television. But in the past you can not see it surely.

People will follow other country's culture if it better than their country's culture.
So it makes their country's culture lost from their country. That mean the culture that owned thinking from old people in the past were lost by present people. It likes you destroy your history that your grandmother and grandfather made